Kids Vision


Once children enter school a Complete Ocular Health Exam should become a yearly routine throughout their school years. Children change and grow physically at a rapid rate, the eyes are no exception. A child’s prescription will statistically change more during this time than at any other time during their lives and therefore requires routine monitoring. At Innervision we do full comprehensive eye examinations on children.

The tests and services we provide include:

• Visual acuity tests
• Refraction
• Stereopsis test
• Colour vision test
• Glaucoma test (tonometry)
• Visual field test
• Binocular vision tests
• Strabismus/squint test
• Visual perception test
• Dyslexia testing
• Reading rate
• Vision therapy
• Referral to eye specialists

At Innervision we also provide additional services you can make use of which include assessing your child’s IQ, Scholastic, Emotional, and attention abilities.