Contact Lenses


At Innervision we supply all major brands of contact lenses.

Contact us to find out about your brand. Tel: 021 558 5096

Who can wear contact lenses?

Almost anyone can wear contact lenses, whatever their age or lifestyle. Find out below if there is a contact lens to correct your vision.

If you’re short-sighted (myopic), you will have trouble seeing objects at a distance and are very reliant on your spectacles for good vision. Contact lenses will allow you the freedom of not wearing spectacles.
It may be that you are long-sighted (hyperopic). If you are long-sighted you can most likely see objects at a far distance, but find it difficult to focus on things up close or you experience eye strain.

Reading problems/Presbyopia
This occurs when your eyes lose their ability to bring close objects into clear focus. This can happen from the age of 38 onwards. You might now have two prescriptions, one for distance vision and one for reading. With the latest technology in contact lenses we are able to overcome your vision problem with multifocal contact lenses. Multifocal contact lenses will allow you to see clearly far and up close.

If you have astigmatism your vision may be blurry or distorted at all distances. The extent of this will vary based on individual differences in the shape of your eye. Thanks to recent developments in technology, people with astigmatism can now enjoy vision correction with soft toric contact lenses.

Children can wear contact lenses. A child that is able to insert and remove contact lenses unassisted and who understands the importance of eye hygiene is able to wear contact lenses. Children that participate in sport can benefit from using contact lenses. Speak to your optometrist for the best advice.